How to start meditating

Charles Keatts
3 min readOct 18, 2022
Suzuki Roshi, a great Japanese Soto Zen teacher. He is in his study, wearing glasses, sitting and smiling in traditional Japanese Zen Buddhist robes.

I was very lucky to have access to a great book when I was a teenager: Zen Mind Beginner’s Mind, by Shunryu Suzuki, pictured above. It was a series of talks his students had transcribed. A very popular book, it helped me start meditating on my own.

I had already been exposed to Zen Buddhism by my mother and a teacher at school. I had read Zen Flesh Zen Bones and then with Suzuki Roshi’s book, which a friend gave to me, I…



Charles Keatts

Essays, poetry, and art. Published novelist, memoir in process, new novel. I like being sober, trail running, climbing, and spending time with my daughter.